Earthcare for Friends,

cover of Earthcare for Friends

a Study Guide for Individuals and Faith Communities

Edited by: Louis Cox, Ingrid Fabianson, Sandra Moon Farley, and Ruah Swennerfelt

Published by Quaker Earthcare Witness [formerly FCUN] Spring, 2004
ISBN 1-881083-10-1, spiral bound, 8.5 X 11, 270 pages, $18.00 US.

Color Line

Earthcare for Friends emphasizes the spiritual basis of environmental awareness and action in a series of lessons for use by Friends in programmed and unprogrammed meetings and churches. Many articles and activities are included along with suggestions of quotations, Bible passages, stories, and songs. Following the pattern of Earthcare for Children, the lessons are easily adaptable for use by other denominations that recognize a spiritual basis for environmental concerns.

Each of the eighteen chapters is organized by:

Copies of Earthcare for Friends may be ordered for $18.00 plus $3.50 postage and handling from

Quaker Earthcare Witness
173-B N. Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05401-1607
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